Lester Link: August 2006

Saturday, August 26, 2006

This past week was kind of bumpy. I had a couple of okay days in there, but mostly not so good days. I have had a lot of nausea issues and lots of vomiting, fun stuff! I had to cancel chemo on Friday b/c I was so sick at my stomach I could barely get out of bed. I hated having to do that, I would never have thought I would actually have to cancel a chemo appointment. Oh well, it was necessary, I would never have made it through 6 hours of chemo. I hope to get it rescheduled early this week, but who knows with those folks working down on the island, they have been pretty worthless lately! I think I finally shook whatever had a grip on me around 6 Friday evening, I was so wiped out! I had a good night's sleep and I have had a pretty good day today, my stomach has behaved fairly well for me. I wish I had better news to report, but it is what it is, blah! I will post when I get my next chemo date.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

I have had quite a few crummy days lately. Fevers, nausea, vomiting, you name it, it struck at some point in the last week! Hopefully, I have put all of that behind me and I am destined for some better days.

I had a great day today! Joel and I actually left the house and saw a movie and went to an actual restaurant, sat down and ate a meal! I didn't have any issues, I am pretty wiped out and it's ready for drug time. But I am glad to report that all went well and we really enjoyed our escape from the sick-house for the day! I hope to catch up on days like today, it has been way too long since we went somewhere and enjoyed ourselves.

Tomorrow, we have a doc appointment on the island to get the all clear for chemo on Friday. I hate having the infusions so close together, oh well!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sorry this blog took so long to post, I was having blogger issues. So this is truly Sunday's blog.

Chemo #2, went well. No drama, which is always good. I had a little bit of an appetite on our way home from the island, so we grabbed some PF Chang's to go and I had a chicken lettuce wrap, yummy! I also had one yesterday as my meal for the day. That's a lot of food for 2 days for me, Joel was very proud of me.

At about 7ish this morning, I started to have those crazy flu-like symptoms that are typical to the new type of chemo I am on. I was shaking and chattering freezing under a ton of blankets, my fever was low 100's, but I managed to shake that in a couple of hours. I hope that is not what my day is going to be like, I will shoot for no and see what happens! I hope everyone has a good Sunday, try and keep cool!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

I did have a good day today, a little nausea due to some weird smells. But other than that, I did pretty good. I had a Boost at 4 AM and I actually got hungry later in the evening and I had a chicken breast around 7ish. I hope it stays happy all evening and doesn't haunt me later! Tomorrow is chemo #2 at 1:00, I hope all goes well. Suzanne will be up there later in the afternoon to visit with her Dad during his chemo, so maybe our paths will cross at some time on the island? I am very sleepy right now, so I am headed off to bed.

Somebody over-did it yesterday and got off the pain med schedule and hit a wall around 3. I felt so sick and had a fever and of course, I was supposed to meet up with the girls. I had to cancel, now since the pain med screw up, my sleep schedule is screwed up too. I have been awake since 4, so I figured I would get a blog under my belt while I still had time. I hope to feel somewhat human today to meet up with Suz and ET to do girly stuff, I am so bummed I missed out on seeing everyone last night. But I guess I needed to lay low b/c I slept the entire time and I do feel caught up and rested this morning. We are going to have to resort to the alarm thing if I can't stay on top of my meds on my own. I am sure I have several volunteers out there who would love the chance to call and nag me during my slumber!! Chat with ya later when I am awake between anti-nausea pills. We finally remembered why we didn't use Kytril that often last time b/c it is 20 bucks for 6 pills, Kytril is the only one I am not allergic to that does not make me drowsy! Just my luck, I'll find something, I just need to look harder.

Monday, August 07, 2006

This weekend the nausea decided to kick in and we have been playing that fun game, it's not like I have been eating enough anyway. Now, every little bit wants to run away! Met with the doc today and my blood counts are doing better, I am still a little anemic and my magnesium is low, so I will treat that before chemo this Friday. I started feeling better yesterday evening and today on the island. I hope this feeling good hangs around, my friends Evangelina and Suzanne are coming in town this week and I hope to make my first social outing in months. There are several days a week that I don't even have enough energy to make a trip downstairs, I haven't been eating, so why bother? Thanks for everyone keeping up with me, it really means a lot. I am off to take a nap from my big outing today. It's thundering and lightning, perfect sleepy-time weather.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

The last few days were spent playing catch up on the typical flu-like symptoms I was supposed to be experiencing. I basically threw back 2 Tylenol and 2 Motrin every 12 hours and the pain meds mixed in there too. Today around 10:30 I woke up suddenly feeling terrible. I was sweating and on fire. I immediately took my temp of a whopping 103.4!! I freaked out. We finally had our prescriptions corrected the day before and filled the Naprosyn/Naproxen? they conveniently forgot to give me on my prior visit. So, I was finally able to take the drug recommended for me to cure these breakthrough "tumor fevers". I took the Naprosyn/Naproxen? and some Oxycontin and Dillaudid, which all worked within minutes. I really had a scare there, I have just recently been dabbling in the 102's for the first time in my life and there I was with a 103.4 fever! I am just very happy I had what I needed to fix my current issues. I have been feeling pretty good ever since. I tried to stay awake most of the afternoon, I think I only napped for 1 hour. I had to stay up so Joel and I could watch Big Brother 7 together, it's no fun watching it by yourself on DVR. So now I will be nice and sleepy to get to bed on time.

Thanks so much to all my wonderful friends for bringing us food to keep Joel fed with nice home cooked meals lately! I have the best group of friends and family in the world and I will forever be in debt to your kindness! I have been so out of it, I think it has been a month already of food delivery service? It's been such a great help.


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

We have had some wonderfully scary nights here lately. I had a huge fever spike to 102.9 and I kind of freaked out a little. I absolutely did not want to go through the Emergency "Center" as they like to call it, experience once again.

One of my super duper best friends has a brother in law that is a wonderful oncologist up at the Mayo Clinic and he specializes in colon cancer and I believe he sees a few cholangio patients these days. Anyway, Sara got me in touch with him and he called me himself around 8 in the evening from Rochester to help me out. I don't know if there are enough "thank you's" out there to express how much he helped me. I felt so guilty for bothering him during his down time with his family, but he was more than happy to help me out. He changed up some meds I was taking and gave me a couple of new ones and within a couple of hours, I was back on track. That night was horrible, but would have been 5 times as bad if I was on a stretcher in an ER hallway! The phone call and the med change happened Sunday night and I didn't get out of bed all day or night the following Monday. Today, I felt much better, I have been able to let up on the pain meds and the spike fevers have stayed under control. I actually woke up and moved around about noon and I ate a couple of bites of food! I had to take a 2 hour nap a while ago, but I am still doing okay. Axel, my Angel Doctor told me to expect the severe flu like symptoms for a couple of days. I do feel like I am on course. I am still very groggy, but sleep is good, nobody gets enough, right?