Lester Link

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I haven't slept for more than 3 hours at a time since Friday night! My body is soooo exhausted, but my brain has other plans for me! I think I forgot to mention that the "blood patch" process required an insane amount of caffeine delivered through an IV, so for 24 hours in the hospital I received 500 mg of caffeine every 8 hours. So, you can literally have a caffeine IV, good to know!

Part of my responsibility after being discharged is consuming 4-5 caffeinated beverages a day, along with staying "very hydrated" which is an oxymoron b/c caffeine is a diuretic! I have to do this for 5 days, I have been caffeine-free since November and the least bit of it makes me wired. I didn't eat for 7 days, so I lost 15 pounds last week and I had my first meal yesterday at 4:00, so the last thing I want to do is drink all this crazy caffeine, it is really messing with my stomach and my head! Okay, I will quit whining now, I am so freaking tired and crazy hyper at the same time, I think Joel is about ready to ship me off somewhere for the next few days. Also, my cancer pain has returned fast and furious, as soon as I get rid of one thing, along comes the next! It feels like my liver is trying to escape out of my ribcage and I have referred pain in my shoulder and neck! So, I am on pain-killers, sleep meds, and caffeine and I am pretty sure they are all canceling each other out, I am just high on life! Happy Cinco de Mayo manana!


Blogger Caroline Stoufer said...

Kelly -

You poor thing! Hang in there, baby. "Embrace your medications," as a friend of mine has told me who has been HIV+ for 12+ years and taken lots of drugs over the years.

I am praying for a speedy recovery for you!

-Caroline from Colorado

11:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Cinco de Mayo to you too! Hope you can at least stomach a little Tex-Mex to celebrate...
good luck with occupying this time of "awakeness" - have you tried Sudoku?
Praying you start feeling better asap...

11:04 AM  

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