Lester Link

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I finally left my sickhouse on Friday for the first time in a week. I was feeling pretty crummy all last week. I went to watch our company's annual softball tournament at a park near my house, it was nice to see everyone away from work and to soak up a little fresh air and sunshine. I crashed for 2 hours when I got home from my excursion, but it was worth it. I did manage to eat some solid food Friday night, it was only a couple of bites, but it was progress. I have zero appetite and the only thing I am okay with is Chocolate Boost, it is very high in protein, so I know it is helping with the liver regeneration. I just can't seem to shake this fever I have had post-op, I don't have it all day long, mostly in the evenings and right when I am trying to go to bed. The doc said not to worry unless it hits 101, so I have done a good job of avoiding that number b/c the last place I want to be right now is the ER! This liver growing stuff is so tiring, I am wiped out just by going up or down the stairs. It will be over soon and I will be recovering from the big time surgery very soon, actually it is on the books for Tuesday, June 13th. It better happen this time!


Blogger Caroline Stoufer said...


Can you send me an e-mail about what chemo you have been on. My address is buckskin@ouraynet.com.

Glad you got some time out of the house. I always feel like I'm running fever at night.

Thanks for your words of encouragement on my blog.

-Caroline from Ouray

7:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang in there Kelly. Think of the battle between your good liver and your bad liver like Star Wars with Luke battling Darth Vader. In the end Darth Vader tried to be good (like your liver did for awhile) and then went bad, but once he was removed from this world (like yours will be in June) the good part came back out (like the new part of your liver will be). So keep using the Jedi mind trick on your liver!!! (that was a long way to go to get to the Jedi mind trick line - wasn't it??)

We're still praying for you!!


11:47 AM  

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