Lester Link

Friday, February 24, 2006

Today was a little better. My good friend, Suzanne, is in town from Berkeley this weekend and we hit the spa this afternoon for much needed massages. This was my first massage in 2 years and it was wonderful, I was convinced the masseuse had cured my cancer.

I was able to hold some food down today but it was a constant struggle to do so, I could really do without this nausea. I am quitting these steroids cold turkey as of this morning, they are making me so sick and I can't get any sleep. I am sure if I didn't offer to quit taking them today, Joel would have poured them down the sink by now anyway, I have been a crazy person on these things. I now know the true meaning of "roid rage", and unfortunately Joel has had to witness it firsthand. I couldn't ask for a better husband, he has so much patience with me. You guys get the sugar-coated version of all of this, he has to see it in all of its glory every day. Trust me, I would not recommend this cancer business to any of my friends!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hang in there kelly! you are so strong and it is inspiring to listen to how you are handling all these challenges and hurdles that life is throwing in your way.

It's funny, after we found out that our trial drug isn't working and that we'd have to switch to chemo, I think Nancy and I felt a sense of relief since we've seen such great evidence of success by our online support group. Go team!!!!

Lots of love from the west coast -- Hans & Nancy

10:42 PM  

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