Lester Link

Monday, February 27, 2006

I guess I can't complain too much about the prescription drama. It only took the better half of today for them to resolve the issue and determine that it was not my fault. I did have fun convincing them that I was not a chemo junkie addict and that I did not "accidentally" take more than I was prescribed. They honestly thought I was to blame and that I was trying to pull one over on them to score some more chemo. I did have to drive all the way down there and pay 7 bucks for 15 minutes of parking, but at least I did not get charged again for the pills. I did work my Spanish language magic on the valet attendant so he held my car for me while I ran up to get my meds. My friend Sarah says I need to work on those skills so next time I don't have to pay at all! I guess my constant state of nausea is not as attractive as I would like to think?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad it got resolved and you're not taking the steroids anymore. You're body chemistry just isn't suited for chemo and other cancer-related drugs is it?! It needs to start messing w/ those cancer cells rather than the drugs trying to make you feel better! I've got strep so won't be seeing you for a week or so while I finish off my antibiotics. I didn't yell when I got the very painful shot in my hip, but man did it hurt!! All I could think about while she shot me was all your painful procedures and how much more painful they must be. I don't know if I could handle it. I must say you and your cholangio friends I keep tabs on at the website are very strong, non-wimpy people!

6:28 PM  

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