Lester Link

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Didn't sleep very well last night. I took a painkiller in hopes of it alleviating my pain and helping me sleep and it did not do either, so I was up and wide awake until 3 this morning. I just rested today and tried to sort out some of my medical bills, fun stuff!

Tomorrow is Day one of Round 3 chemo and an all day affair on the island. At 8, we have to go get my port accessed at the infusion clinic so it is ready for chemo, then we have a 9:00 blood draw, a 10:00 Dr. Appointment and 11:00 chemo. I am glad they moved my chemo up from 1:00, hopefully we can get out of there at a decent time tomorrow with no drama! I am going to have to quit this whole cancer thing if I have a repeat of chemo #2! After this round is over we get to have the CAT redone to chart my response to the chemo, so everybody pray extra hard these next 3 weeks, we need all the positive energy we can harness.

Yesterday the anesthesiologist asked me how I was doing after the surgery and I told him besides having cancer I was doing great! He made me keep repeating with him "I am young and healthy", it was pretty funny. But he is right, after you start chemo you feel so old and run down, I tend to forget that I am young and strong and I am going to kick some cancer butt with this soon to be 31 year old body! Did I mention my birthday is Monday? After you hit 30, birthdays just aren't as much fun, we are going to celebrate late this year b/c I am pretty worthless the first week of the chemo.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeez, what’s with the genetic mutation that makes you impervious to pain killers?

Good luck today! We’re pulling for you!


8:14 AM  

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