Lester Link

Friday, January 20, 2006

My hopes of a better day were dashed Thursday, I still had a low fever and the doc said I was probably trying to fight something off and it was best for me to lay low until my fever disappeared. He told me to try and stay home bound if I could b/c my immune system was compromised even more with my fever. I felt okay most of the day and I tried to rest and then around 6ish I suddenly became very sick at my stomach so I took a little nap and woke up about an hour later and started to get sick again. So, last night was not so fun, I finally fell asleep for good around midnight and I slept until noon. I don't know how long I would have slept if the phone didn't wake me up. I guess something was trying to get me down b/c I obviously needed some sleep. Once I got moving so late in the day, I felt much better. Thursday morning was my last chemo dose until Thursday, the 26th. It's amazing how much I feel better just one day after stopping the chemo. I hope to get some stuff done around the house this weekend if my energy holds up.

The dogs are going bezerk, we were going to the park 2-3 times a week before my cancer diagnosis. We were wiped the month following and we didn't take them at all, then they had kennel cough for 2 weeks and right when Abby got over her cough, Pearl went into heat! We made an appointment for her to be fixed a month ago and they couldn't get us in until this Thursday, and she went into heat a week and a half ago. So now we can't take them to the park b/c Pearl is in heat. We bought some pull-up diapers and cut a hole for her tail, she is not real happy with us right now to say the least! I will be so glad when this heat stuff is over.


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