Lester Link

Sunday, January 22, 2006

I think something is wrong with the port-a-cath I had put in on the 2nd. It has been bothering me at night when I try to go to sleep for the last 3 nights and this weekend it started hurting all day. I can't turn my head to the left and I am having pain in my chest and up the left side of my neck. It's very strange, not severe enough to take a painkiller, but it has really been messing with my sleep which just has a domino effect on a bunch of other stuff since I am not getting enough rest. There is only one doc in all of MD Anderson that places these ports, I am hoping he has office hours tomorrow. If not, I hope to see someone in his clinic or visit my main oncologist. I have to have it checked out b/c I don't want it to interfere with my scheduled 3rd round of chemo this Thursday. I will post what I find out tomorrow, I hope it's nothing major. Maybe I just strained something, but something is definitely not right and I have to get it checked out.


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