Lester Link

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Sorry, I have been slacking on my blog, I have really been miserable lately and barely coherent between all the drugs I am on. Joel has been a Saint through all of this, I am no fun to be around when I feel this lousy, trust me!

Thursday night was no bueno either. I had a horrible day on Friday and Joel and I went in to the ER Friday evening around 5:30, along with all of the other cancer patients in the greater Houston area! It was packed, Joel and I were huddled up on one of the couches in the hall and we finally got called back at around 8ish. There were no rooms, so I was literally in a bed in the middle of the hall along with about 5 other hall-dwellers! It was ridiculously loud and bright, I was more comfortable on the couch in the waiting room. After an EKG, several x-rays and a CAT scan, they couldn't find anything wrong with me. My hemoglobin was already up to 9.9, which is very good for the road to chemo. They saw pockets of fluid on the CT, but they were consistent with the surgery I didn't have. So, they pumped me full of pain meds, some IV fluids and antibiotics and sent me home with an antibiotic. We didn't leave the ER until 7:30 Saturday morning, it was sooo much fun!

Since we have been home, I have just been sleeping like crazy and having random hours here and there of lucidity. The pain was intolerable for a few days there and just moving from the bed to the bathroom was a chore. Yesterday, I got up around mid afternoon and Joel and I went couch shopping for a few hours. Good thing about furniture shopping is that you can stop and take a break every 5 feet if you need to, there is always something comfy to sit on! Last night, I finally got the nerve to roll onto the side of my liver and half my scar to try and sleep. It used to be my only sleeping position, it went well and I got more sleep than I have in a long time. I didn't get up and going until 3ish this afternoon. My nights are spent sweating and tossing and turning and usually around 8 in the morning I am able to move past it and fall asleep. It is a very weird schedule, but oh well! It's not like I am missing much around here with all of this rain, our back yard is a lake again and the dogs are not too happy with us!

I hope everyone has a good 4th of July celebration!


Blogger Caroline Stoufer said...

Hi Kelly-

Sorry you had to go to the emergency room. Hope the pain is getting better. When I had my surgery, it was a monumental task to go to the bathroom. The first couple of days after surgery, it was an effort just to open my eyes.

Sleeping after I got home didn't always come easy, but with time it got easier.

We just watched the fireworks here and they were beautiful as usual. We have been getting some rain which we have needed, but no lakes in the yard.

Thinking of you and praying for us all.

-Caroline Stoufer

9:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Kelly and Joel,
We spent out 4th picking up sticks (large ones) from the back of the place after Robbie had bushogged. We had a neighborhood fireworks display, and Sparky went beserk running from house to house trying to bark at each pop. I bet his top speed is 35mph. We eventually put him in the garage so he could rest where he yelped to get out and run some more. I hope you guys can come to the Futrell fling at the end of July. We would love to see you both. You are in our thoughts and prayers each day.

Belyn and the gang

6:23 AM  
Blogger Joni & Brian said...

Hey Kelly,

I hope you are beginning to feel better this week. Sounded like good news on your hemoglobin #s (always looking for the silver lining) while you were in the ER. Can't anyone get a decent stay in hospitals anymore - where is a hospital administrator when you need them? -- Oh yeah, I married one!

Anyhow, we will be down in Houston this weekend and again the evening of the 13th. Let me know if you are up for a visit. Brian, Evan, and I would love to see you and Joel. We haven't even met Pearl yet!

Take care and say "hi" to Joel for us.

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sorry!! I figured when I didn't hear from you and no updated blog, you must have been uncomfortable! You are truly blessed with Joel as he is truly blessed with you!! I hope you are sleeping right now (2 in the afternoon!) Let me know if there is anything y'all need!

I love you guys!

Sarah C

12:23 PM  

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