Lester Link

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Sorry I did not post last night, but I had the most horrendous chemo experience! Joel & I were at MDACC from 9AM until 10PM. I got in my chemo room at 1:30ish, took an anti-nausea pill this time b/c of my previous allergy to Zofran and I took a little nap for about an hour. I woke up burning up, I literally felt like my insides were melting. It was crazy, I thought I was sweating but my skin was ice cold and I only had 97.9 temperature. Right after the extreme heat episode I started feeling nauseous and I told the nurse it was hitting pretty hard, she paged the doctor and I did good to hold it back for almost an hour. Then it was all down-hill, I threw up for 3 solid hours with no end in sight. I couldn't lay down or anything I just dangled off the edge of the hospital bed and coughed up my toenails! They gave me a bag of Phenergan in the I.V. and that just knocked me out so I was now sitting on the edge of the bed and falling asleep between getting sick. Joel had to sit next to me to hold me up so I wouldn't fall off the bed. I was so miserable, I begged the nurse to try something different. After an hour of vomiting and the Phenergan drip I couldn't even talk, I could barely hold myself up, it was like I was completely sedated but still alert enough to throw up. They paged my doctor for the 3rd time and around 7:00 they finally gave me a bag of Kitrel in my drip and within 5 minutes I was completely back to normal. I couldn't believe it took them 3 hours to finally get it right. I have never been so sick in my entire life and I hope to never see the likes of yesterday ever again! After they "cured" me I went to sleep, they didn't even finish the whole bag of the chemo on me b/c I was so violently ill. They finished up my after chemo drugs and I finally got disconnected from the I.V. around 9:30ish. Poor Joel was exhausted, I don't know how he sat there with me and never got sick himself, it was ugly! Forgot to mention, at my 10Am blood draw, they mistakenly only took one vial of blood instead of 3, so when I met with my Dr. afterward and prior to chemo, he told me I needed to go back to the lab and have the remainder of my blood drawn so he could check all my levels. Well, the lab closes at 8:30... We were told by my nurse, that they would wait for us if we came just a little later. When Joel requested this, they of course said no and if I had to have the blood drawn that day I would have to go to the E.R. Yah right! So then the chemo nurse contacted someone in there who agreed to come to me in the Bed Unit, literally around the corner from the lab. Sounded good, but after we waited for them for 45 minutes we said forget it! Even if they drew the blood at 9 at night, the doctor sure wasn't going to be there to get the results and there was no way I was going to the E.R. just for a blood draw! Joel and I crashed when we got home we were so wiped out! This was by far the worst day ever!!!


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