Tuesday, we had a CAT Scan to check the chemo's progress and no surprise to anyone, it is not working. Today, we met with him to discuss the results of the CAT. The tumor has actually grown since I started this new therapy. He wants to try a different combination therapy with more targeted chemo which will focus on zapping some of the specific characteristics of my tumor, he is deciding between 2 options. I will find out what he has decided on Monday and hopefully start the new drugs Monday morning. We are not too bummed, we had already been given the heads up as a result of how terrible I was feeling and the blood counts. I am happy to start something new that works and does its job. Hopefully, the one that works is the one that is covered by my insurance! :)
For now, I have an appetite and I am holding down a good amount of food. I know things are looking up and I will send this cancer crap a packing!