Lester Link

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I am feeling much better these days. My energy level is returning and I am able to get out of the house and run errands before my next round of marinade on Monday. We see my oncologist on Thursday to get the all clear and have the orders written for Monday's chemo.

I have really begun to dread the blood draw these days. I have never had issues with needles and IV's, I used to get 3 allergy shots a week when I was only 11 or 12 years old. But since this whole cancer thing, I really feel like they have taken more than their fair share of my blood. It messes with your head when you go at least every 3 weeks for 3 months and watch them fill up all those bottles each time. And the actual blood draw center at the Island is like a cattle ranch. There are always at least 50-60 people overflowing into the hall waiting for their names to be called. Then they call about 10-15 people at a time to line up at the door, then as you make your way down and around 3 hallways they just fill up each room along the way. Within each room there are about 5-6 people waiting their turn so you have to watch every body else's blood being taken. That freaks me out more than watching my own being taken. It does run very smoothly but you definitely feel like you are being "herded" through the system. I shouldn't complain b/c that is probably the only part of the hospital that you don't have to wait for hours to get called back!


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