Lester Link

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Yesterday I was feeling pretty good. My friend Sherry and I grabbed a quick lunch and she treated me to a hot stone pedicure, my feet have never been so happy! I had a nice chat with my bossman at work,(He likes to be called a co-worker, but I am pretty sure my co-workers don't sign my paychecks!) I can't begin to explain how wonderful they have been to me during this whole ordeal! I am so lucky to have found such a wonderful extended family!

For dinner, Britt, Sarah, Joel and I had our Lenten seafood dinner and met up with some friends to celebrate Alina's 31st Birthday. Every year we all wear themed T-shirts, I don't remember how we started this but it has become a tradition. So I was sporting my "Cancer Sucks" T-shirt this year, that my friend Suzanne sent me. I almost convinced Joel to wear his, but I let him off the hook, only the girls participate in the T-shirt tradition. I petered out pretty fast and it turned out that the seafood dinner was a little too ambitious for me and I paid the price last night.

I feel much better today and the weather is gorgeous, I hope to soak up some of this sunshine today, of course I will need a gas mask to protect me from the great outdoors! I am sure Joel and I can rig some kind of contraption! I am so pumped to finally get off the couch for 2 days in a row. These last 2 weeks have been miserable, I was getting stir crazy stuck in the house sick the whole time. The one thing I have learned with this chemo experiment is you have to get going like crazy when you feel like it, b/c the next day you may not feel well enough to get out of bed!


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