Lester Link

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Arrived at the island at 10:00am to check in for the biopsy. I was ready to go with my I.V. in place and everything by 10:30, didn't get called back until 12:00. The one hour procedure actually lasted 2 hours b/c they didn't get enough cells the first go-round so they had to do a second biopsy. This supposed sedative drug they talk about must be an urban legend b/c I have not been successfully sedated at the right time for any procedure. This time I snoozed again until the doc showed up then I was wide awake for the whole 2 hours. I begged for more drugs b/c I could feel them wearing off completely and I was told my blood pressure dropped too low and they would not give me anything else. This was before the first biopsy was complete. So I laid there as still as possible while he shoved the guide needle in and during the 2 biopsies. I could feel him digging in my insides, it was horrible! I was certain he had gone all the way through my back and out my stomach. I was told this was a painless procedure and I would sleep through the entire thing. Next time I will bring my own sleeping medicine in case of emergency! We should have the biopsy results in a couple of days.

We missed our noon appointment for Joel's test on changing my central llne dressing and daily flushing. We had our first bite to eat and sip of water at 3:30, then we took our demo and of course Joel passed with flying colors. They take the sterility thing pretty seriously when you have an open port to your aorta.

I am hoping to find some comfortable sleeping position, with a new catheter in my right shoulder, cancer referred pain in my entire right side, and a nice hole in my back from the biopsy. I am hoping either my mini-morphine pill or my Ambien can help me with my predicament.

Thanks to everyone's emails today in response to the blog. If we can keep everyone in the loop this way, we may be able to have some cancer down time!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so much for a painless procedure! sounds awful. they should definitely go to a drug-on-demand system. hope you get some sleep tonight...

11:18 PM  
Blogger Kids Activity Queen said...

Let me know if you want to use this body pillow that I used when I was pregnant. It worked miracles. You could use it on your left side, I think. It's free and I can drop it off if you want. Holler if I can do anything. Love, Megan

7:50 AM  

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